Ibn Al Nafees Hospital i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainIbn Al Nafees Hospital



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Road No 3302, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1782 8230
internet side: www.ibnalnafees.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2052824, Longitude: 50.579205

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maryam H


    My only recommendation is to always come late to the appointment like an hour to two hour late it wont make a difference. We are here waiting at the neurologist clinic and they have a manual book to record when the clients arrived so regardless what time the appointment is set just show up on the same day. EXTREMELY SLOW SLOW SLOOOOOOOW PROCESS.

  • Waleed Khan

    Waleed Khan


    V nice clean nice staff but very expensive And I am very upset about parking Check this transport he park in patient parking and this transport took 2 parking and I told him to give me parking I am with patient he ignore me and he left 😡😡😡😡😡 I don’t know this kind of people leaving in this world unbelievable

  • hassan maskati

    hassan maskati


    Personally speaking, They are helpful and quick... As long as you have insurance. Good doctors and quick servings 24h.

  • Ahmed Rabea

    Ahmed Rabea


    The hospital has a collection of the best doctors in Bahrain each in her/his field. Academically and reputation wise these doctors are top notch and great accumulation of experience. On the other side, this hospital is overpriced, has old equipments and medical machines, the staff are not friendly and treat you with attitude most of the time. On top of that, the staff are poorly trained either on internal processes and procedures (never has a definitive answer), and on patient/client service (always angry with the patients). The emergency department is a nightmare, especially during night shift, they assign the poorest employees and doctors! I live nearby for more than 15 years, and this review is based on several personal visits.

  • Madhu Sarda

    Madhu Sarda


    Hospital located near Galleria Mall. One of the old hospital in Bahrain. Nic orthopedics and other departments. Parking nearby.

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