Dose Cafe - Zallaq i Zallaq

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BahrainDose Cafe - Zallaq



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Building 7, Avenue 62, Zallaq 1058 Bahrain، Zallaq، Zallaq 973, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1700 0990
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Latitude: 26.027476, Longitude: 50.495679

kommentar 5

  • Harshul mistry

    Harshul mistry


    Bean bags, lust green grass, open to sky, perfect place for a late night coffee

  • Zahra Jawad

    Zahra Jawad


    good for a relaxing day with a cup of coffee ir to enjoy a book .. the indoor siting area are not that comfortable to sit in .. the out door area are too relaxing for me .. I couldn't find some proper to sit in between thous two difficult choices .. the coffe was amazing though..and the Safron cake is fantastic

  • Prathyush Ram

    Prathyush Ram


    Just name, quality is coffee and cakes are just sad, not great at all for the price. Trendy crowd, blind to quality lost in brand image

  • Aditya Amarnath K

    Aditya Amarnath K


    An average coffee shop. Got pretty good interiors, calm and quiet.

  • Mohammed Alshehri

    Mohammed Alshehri


    I really like the Dose Pistachio Latte. l order it less sweet and it was perfect. halloumi sandwich was okay And the inside and outside sitting area is very huge and organize very nicely. For those who asking about the price see the below photos for the menu and pricing.

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