Costa Coffee i Zallaq

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainCosta Coffee



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Zallaq, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1744 0792
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Latitude: 26.0495958, Longitude: 50.4987239

kommentar 5

  • ali taher

    ali taher


    My favorite coffee shop




    Bad coffee

  • Sampath Gokarna

    Sampath Gokarna


    Staff not professional. Costa Coffee was founded in London in 1971 by the Costa family as a wholesale operation supplying roasted coffee to caterers and specialist Italian coffee shops. Acquired by Whitbread in 1995, it has since grown to 3,401 stores across 31 countries. The business has 2,121 UK restaurants, over 6,000 Costa Express vending facilities and a further 1,280 outlets overseas (including 460 in China). Brothers Bruno and Sergio Costa founded a coffee roastery in Lambeth, London, in 1971, supplying local caterers. The family had moved to England from Parma, Italy, in the 1960s.[5][6] Costa branched out to selling coffee in 1978, when its first store opened in Vauxhall Bridge Road, London. In 1985, Sergio bought out Bruno's share of the company. Bruno went on to found a tableware company.[7] By 1995, the chain had 41 stores in UK,[8] and was acquired by Whitbread, the UK's largest hotel and coffee shop operator, becoming a wholly owned subsidiary. In 2009, Costa opened its 1,000th store in Cardiff. In December 2009, Costa Coffee agreed to acquire Coffee Heaven for £36 million, adding 79 stores in central and eastern Europe.[9] In 2018, Whitbread faced pressure from two of its largest shareholders, activist group Elliot Advisers and hedge fund Sachem Head to sell or demerge Costa Coffee, the theory being the individual businesses would be worth much more than as one company.[10]On 25 April 2018, Whitbread announced its intention to fully demerge Costa within two years.[11] Subsequently Coca-Cola announced a deal to acquire the chain. Costa Coffee operates 2,121 outlets in the United Kingdom as of May 2016. Internationally, it operates 1,280 stores throughout the world in 31 countries.[12] The first Costa store outside the UK opened in Dubai in 1999[13] and, in September 2017, was the first coffee shop worldwide to start delivering coffee via drones to customers sunbathing on Dubai beaches.[14] Costa ExpressEdit Following Whitbread's £59.5m acquisition of Coffee Nation, a chain of coffee machines, the machines were re-branded as Costa Express.[15] The company plans to expand to target hospitals, universities and transport interchanges.[16] In Canada and Denmark, Costa Express machines are located in Shellstations.

  • Mohammed madan

    Mohammed madan


    Good place for studying, this branch is the qiuetest.

  • jean-pierre de frey

    jean-pierre de frey


    They open at 7 am it's 8:12am and they are still closed

nærmeste Cafe

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