Caribou Coffee i Riffa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainCaribou Coffee



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Umm Al Naasan Avenue, Riffa, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 7701 3245
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1378109, Longitude: 50.566548

kommentar 5

  • en

    Arif Hussain


    Good ambience and coffee is not bad at all

  • Ali Fardan

    Ali Fardan


    Caribou coffee has the best coffee test ever and the coffee shop itself is nicely decorated with its woody look chairs and tables.

  • Ebrahim Alasmi

    Ebrahim Alasmi


    Great drinks and a cozy atmosphere in quite setting, however a stupid wifi policy. U have to buy a drink to get a password. The password is valid for 1hr only. So if u r planning to stay there for a long study session, u r gonna have to buy a drink every hour!

  • en

    Khallad Ahmed


    Great coffee shop.. but limited space

  • Pradeesh Ramprasad

    Pradeesh Ramprasad


    The best thing about this shop is the location. Located at a place where there isn't much crowd. Great place to relax and have a coffee. Good ambience inside the shop. 24hrs open.

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