Danet Altawawish دانة الطواويش i Sanabis

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BahrainDanet Altawawish دانة الطواويش



🕗 åbningstider

Road No 428, Sanabis, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 6675 3266
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Latitude: 26.2328312, Longitude: 50.5764995

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rafea Parker


    Rich history and decadent food. Absolutely delicious! A must go if you're visiting Bab Al Bahrain.

  • en

    Nezar Al-Shakar


    A must go for any tourist and local, as it takes you through a journey through the good old days while tasting mouth watering local cuisines.

  • Mahmood ALBalooshi

    Mahmood ALBalooshi


    Local place with nice local food, like eggs, omelettes, balaleet, tikkah and kabab grills, and more, it ia a great place to take a break in while you are in the local Manama market even for just a tea or cold drinks and juices, and it is quite cheap, just never try the fried tikkah, you wont be able to eat it, other than than its 👌🏻

  • Mohamed Alabbasi

    Mohamed Alabbasi


    A cozy simple transitional restaurant... where you can enjoy have a dinner even a cup of tea While you enjoying the old Manama market Enjoyed having their mixed grills.. it was a yummy

  • Pierre-François Roux

    Pierre-François Roux


    A nice, local restaurant. Had a couple of different meat dishes. While this is exclusively outside, the overall ambiance is really nice.

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