Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBank of Bahrain and Kuwait



🕗 åbningstider

Osama Bin Zaid Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1720 7777
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2124542, Longitude: 50.585137

kommentar 5

  • ar

    مهره الاصيله


    ممكن اعرف ايه ساعه دوامهم

  • Ali Al-Mahmood

    Ali Al-Mahmood


    This Bank is Islamic banking you can have all islamic services inside this Bank and they are helpful stuff and you can go there to have Islamic banking services. بيت التمويل الكويتي هو مصرف اسلامي للمعاملات الاسلامية. مصرف ممتاز للتعامل معه انصح بالتعامل مع هذا البنك. موقع ممتاز في منطقة العدلية بالقرب من مطعم فدركرز.

  • Dominic Machado

    Dominic Machado


    Good banking service but not consistent in their approach

  • Husain Shafei

    Husain Shafei


    Friendly yet Inefficient in customer servicing in this branch. Uses all general services not specialization of services. (6 spaces available for service only 2 in operations daily) Parking space is horrid. Minimum waiting time is 20mins. (Make sure to not have any other appointment afterwards)

  • Abbas G. Awadh Salmeen

    Abbas G. Awadh Salmeen


    BBK It is a vision based on the determination to approach banking in an innovative way. Put simply, they constantly strive to create your ideal banking experience. Gradually, but surely these aspirations are being translated into a manner of delivering banking solutions to all our clients, growth for our shareholders, opportunities for them employees and prosperity for the community. They are optimistic and confident that BBK will personify this bright future for all.

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