State Bank of India i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainState Bank of India



🕗 åbningstider

Road No 1708, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1754 8033
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2393251, Longitude: 50.5881635

kommentar 5

  • en

    Abdurrehman Siddiq


    No one answers the call since 10 days.I am trying to call since 10 days.i think SBI staff are feeling lazy to answer the call.Pathetic service and worst service. My big mistake where I opened my account

  • Nahyan Nisar

    Nahyan Nisar


    i have been calling them from past 2 days to inquire if i can open up a bank acc but nothing no response from them,they cant even pick the call i recommend not to waste time and dont even go to this bank if i could rate this bank lower than 1 star i would have

  • Mitul Chothani

    Mitul Chothani


    My review is based on following services that I have used : - NRE/NRO Account Opening & - Document Attestation for KYC Purpose Positive Points: a) Dedicated parking for Customers in Diplomat area is very plus point. b) NRE/NEO Account opening was relatively straight forward and simple (as long as long one carries all the documents required for account opening). Within 4 weeks account was opened and activated. c) They have Toll free Contact Centre number 80801724 for EFTS, Retail Loans and NRI Services related queries. d) They help with attestation of documents for KYC purpose which is very plus point. e) SBI Life Insurance has opened 1st international office (outside India) here in Bahrain. If policy is purchased using SBI Bahrain account, one don't need to pay GST on premiums paid which is big saving. You can get more information on this from Bank. Following Improvement for Customer Satisfaction: 1) Lunch break from 1 pm to 2 pm can be reviewed and replaced with working reduced staff during lunch time by going in rotation 2) Internet banking does not come with pre-activation, you have to call India Customer Service Centre. This can improved. (If you find this review helpful, please like it. It will motivate to write more such reviews to help others. It takes only one Click to like it)

  • Anurag Bajaj

    Anurag Bajaj


    Just the same as back home - if you know the big boys it works smooth or else sit and wait ....

  • Pulin Parikh

    Pulin Parikh


    Open a bank account here to torchure yourself. It I'd the worst place to open your bank account. They treat you as if they are doing a favour on you, and that too not for a loan, but for your own savings bank account. Customer service to Branch manager, nobody bothers to even hear your feedback, let alone acting on it. To deposit cash or cheque is a full days work here. If you're lucky, it might get done in half a day.

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