Bahrain Carlton Hotel i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBahrain Carlton Hotel


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Adliya, Building 59, Road 3601, Block 336، Manama 999, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 5999
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.212546, Longitude: 50.590623

kommentar 5

  • Mayur Prabhu

    Mayur Prabhu


    Before i start, please note that 5 🌟 does not mean it is a 5 🌟 means that every 💰 that you have spent on this hotel is worth it.....I Stayed here for 10 days between 2nd June 2018 to 12th June 2018 and my reviews are as below: 1. Price is pretty cheap when compared to other hotels in the vicinity, but they do not compromise on good service. 2. Receptionists are friendly with a smile on their face always....they will always wish you greetings of the day. 3. Hotel is neat and clean. Rooms are spacious and well maintained too. 4. Housekeeping staff is friendly and will be there at your service 24*7. 5. Breakfast is complimentary and the room service staff is really quick to serve you the breakfast on time so that you are not late to your workplace. They offer plenty of choices for breakfast including Arabic, Indian, Continental, Italian etc. 6. You can have other meals of the day too for a reasonable price. 7. Any issues, the staff will be on their toes to resolve it. 8. They have a swimming pool too. 9. Wifi is free. Overall a good place to stay in. Hope my reviews will help you and you have a pleasant stay in Bahrain Carlton Hotel....Cheers.

  • en

    Mehboob P Sheikh


    Enjoyed my stay @, good hospitality... Staff very friendly...☺️

  • Kashif Rehmani

    Kashif Rehmani


    Staff is friendly but rooms are not clean fasclities are limited and location is just fair. Anyhow the price is very economical

  • Ilavarasan Ilavarasan

    Ilavarasan Ilavarasan


    Recently we attend a Birthday party at Akdal hall of this hotel. The hall was spacious but the toilets are maintained very badly, you can find some bad words on the doors same like some public toilets, it was very disgusting!




    Good place.. but dont order food.. take a walk there are good food outlets nearby..

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