Asdal Gulf Inn Boutique Hotel i Manama/Seef

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BahrainAsdal Gulf Inn Boutique Hotel



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Building 2326, Road 2830, Block 428, Al Seef, Manama/Seef, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 6631 1311
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.237116, Longitude: 50.537428

kommentar 5

  • en

    davide atzori


    Very good hotel: 4 stars is the real mirror. Not the usual giant Tower Bahrain hotel but really chic and the ground floor pub gives an added value!

  • Saswati Borah

    Saswati Borah


    Located centrally in Seef district, the Asdal Gulf Inn Boutique Hotel is a new and good boutique hotel to be in when in Bahrain. With eye-catching contemporary decor, the hotel has a nice ambience. The staff are friendly and welcome you with warm smiles. The hotel has a good choice of restaurants such as the Seoul-Tokyo Restaurant, Copper Chimney, The Gallery, The Lounge. The cuisine is excellent. The outside of the hotel has open areas, and parking is available.

  • en



    One of the best 4 star hotel on the island. It has friendly staffs, nice atmosphere and more than that it has variety of restaurant to choose to dine in. Korean&Japanese restaurant, Indian restaurant and Italian restaurant to dine in. It will definitely be an amazing experience to stay here.

  • en

    Abner PD


    Very friendly staff. Place is clean and fresh. Breakfast buffet is wonderful!

  • Ghouse Mohiddin

    Ghouse Mohiddin


    Not very satisfactory, but ok. I have to stand for long time and waste, as the staff at the reception does not have clarity on the booking details. This was because of the gap between the manager and reception. During the stay again with out information or prior notice door key was blocked. Reason the policy of the hotel is the customer has to check out by that time which was not even inform me by any means and also there was no notification in or out side the room. With arguments I completed my stay and drop to airport was really nice. Drive was very nice person and he interacted me in a good way.

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