UFC Gym Bahrain i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainUFC Gym Bahrain



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Road No 2408, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1700 0044
internet side: www.ufcgymbh.com
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Latitude: 26.2195275, Longitude: 50.6042665

kommentar 5

  • en

    Oz Oz


    Very nice to have the UFC gym at the top floor of the building. Very clean and authentic UFC styled gym. Great staff. The girl showed us around although we were just visiting as one off. I used the boxing speed bag and believe me it was the ultimate in terms of quality. That was the type of bag they use at the top level boxer gym's. Expensive and high quality equipment. Great looking gym and great staff. If I was living there I would love to come here.

  • waves of memory

    waves of memory


    When I registered. Every time they are telling something different, misleading information. 1-first I don't know how to use the machines, when I asked at the reception, he said just do cardio, how I can use the treadmill and don't know how, I asked one of the members. 2-i was waiting to get my first assessment as I was to to wait their call, then I asked them nobody called me they said I must book with the trainer, why they didn't tell me before, and the trainer timing difficult for me. I can't come at 2pm as I have work till 3pm. 3- one of my family member he paid for a year and instantly gave him all program on the same day. This is so discrimination against me as I just pay for 3 months. 4- nobody told me to book classes before at the reception. I came one hour before and before the class started they said its full??? When I called to book before they said no need just come early. They are money diggers UFC. They are after your money nothing else.

  • Meme Central

    Meme Central


    Amazing Gym! I love the machines they have there! Free tv network on the treadmill, bicycle machine and the stride machine! You can also make an account on those machines and make your goal weight, plans ect..... Would definitely recommend this gym for starters!

  • TheAverage Guys

    TheAverage Guys


    Great gym! The classes are great for learning to fight as well as good cardio. Full gym and cross fit area.

  • Ahmed Mirza

    Ahmed Mirza


    Amazing GYM And Very Professional Environment To Work With. I highly Recommend to all MMA, Fitness lovers 💥💥💥

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