Fit And Well i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainFit And Well



🕗 åbningstider

Juffair Avenue Block 341 Road 382 Building 38، Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3636 3637
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Latitude: 26.209782, Longitude: 50.6048369

kommentar 5

  • en



    Awesome gym with great trainers, They keep track of your progress very closely and keep updating the workout routine for maximum impact. I recommend this gym to anyone who is serious about fitness and wants to feel good. It has all the necessary equipment that's in real good condition. Its an amazing place to workout and the best !!

  • Harsha Radhakrishnan

    Harsha Radhakrishnan


    If you are a super lazy person like me, this is the place you have to be. The coaches will push you to the limited that you never knew existed. THE BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE. ❤❤ The most friendly crowd you can workout with.

  • en

    anna fox Burnette


    Recently found this Crossfit box and am loving the high energy of the coaches. And that they take time to break down all the moves to make sure form is correct. I’m new to Crossfit but have fallen in love with the workouts. They are awesome and I always feel challenged. Also, class times are amazing for busy schedules.

  • en

    Justin Steele


    My first time doing cross fit and the guys have made it an easy transition the work outs are tough but I’m coached every step of the way! They make constant adjustments to my form and all the time encouraging me! I can’t wait for the next workout each day!

  • Mario



    Great atmosphere, very welcoming, and most of all the coaches are very tentative when it comes to form. Strongly recommend giving the gym a try !!

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