U Drive i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainU Drive



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1721 2101
internet side: udrivebahrain.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2112588, Longitude: 50.6069434

kommentar 5

  • Dwayne Gardner

    Dwayne Gardner


  • Naveen Kumar Nalli

    Naveen Kumar Nalli


    Nice and clean cars... I love it.

  • Hesham Alhojairi

    Hesham Alhojairi


    In early 2017 , Had one car form them for one month , after one month they find out that the car roof is damaged (does any one checks the car roof before renting the car) then they let me pay 100 BD for the damage or I pay the minimum charge for the insurance which is above 150 BD , so I paid the 100 BD , when I asked for an invoice for the 100 BD , they told me will share it with you later ... till now nobody shared the invoice ... looks like they charge people on the same issue . End the story , I will never rent from them again

  • en

    Ronnie Robertson


  • en

    Hamlkar Abdellahad


    U drive Juffair is situated on Shabab avenue and is a great hiring and rental company which offers a wide range of cars. I have been a customer of U Drive for a while now and there services are really good so .definitely visit it if ever in need of a car

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