Prestige Rent a Car i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainPrestige Rent a Car



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Shop No. 98 Osama Bin Zaid Avenue, Adliya.، Manama 327, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1700 1999
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.21419, Longitude: 50.58735

kommentar 5

  • Sansajan subramaniam

    Sansajan subramaniam


    Excellent and quick customer service

  • en

    Jebin Mathew


  • Mohit Naik

    Mohit Naik


    Nice service.

  • en

    Tarek Bekai


    Very bad experience with Adliya branch. Manager doesn't respect customers, i was complaining an issue and he didn't even stand to talk to me, he kept sitting and working and he listened to his employee more than listening to customer. He was not able to do any action, and he was not able to say "sorry for the inconvienience".. I rent the car and pay down payment 60 BD, i agreed with the employee i may take it weekly or monthly, and if i took it weekly i will pay for weekly rate, and if rent it monthly then i will pay for the monthly rate. I was very surprised when i went to settle the whole payment that they will charge me for weekly rates!!!!!! Also, if you return the car with pitrol less than 1 dash they will diduct 1BD. Really very bad experience.

  • Shahd Babbili

    Shahd Babbili


    The best service for car rental shops in adliya, Staff are very kind and nice ,,if u don't like the car the replace anytime,, no 50bd on hold to get a car,,

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