Thailand Restaurant i المنامة

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainThailand Restaurant



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3806, Block 338, المنامة, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 7040
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Latitude: 26.2154209, Longitude: 50.5919019

kommentar 5

  • Emi Ebrahim

    Emi Ebrahim


    Amazing fresh Thai food and excellent portions. Quality food. The price matches the quality of the food and beverages. Thank you!

  • en

    Michel Klarenbeek


    Gold Thai food. Friendly staff. Reasonable prices.

  • Mark Korb

    Mark Korb


    Food was great. No pork here, which is weird for Thai food. Service was so fast and really friendly. The whole setup is nice, each party had their own room. I finally walked around the corner and seen the decoration on the outside and it is really nice. Walking in the front door I was met with a smile. The inside looks even better than outside. The wontons and spring rolls were fried perfectly with a great taste. I ordered wonton soup and asked for it medium spice, but didn't have spice. I also tried the fried ice cream thinking it would be hot from frying, but it seems it was fried then refrozen because the ice cream was like crystals. Overall the rest of the food was great and service was super fast. I will return

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    Wendie Van Heerden


    Typical yummy Thai food served with a smile and very attentive staff. There were 13 of us and we had a room to ourselves. All of the 12 dishes we ordered were very good. Good South Africa wines too! Definitely be back!

  • GianMaria Le Mura

    GianMaria Le Mura


    For takeout no nice service .. without flevour the testing . No. Very disapponed / the Thay restaurant for me that around the world I think is something else. the fish arrived ordering by house but: taste washed without salt totally and I must say that taste it without sauces and totally absent taste. the duck completely cooked too, decidedly cooked before. in the picture there is written lobster but in reality "cry fish arrives. boiled first and then grilled. crabs totally without crab flavor. I'm sorry this is not good food. who is the chef ??? you have to fire him.

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