Banana Leaf i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBanana Leaf



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Hassan Bin Thabit Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1774 4171
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Latitude: 26.2188517, Longitude: 50.5882182

kommentar 5

  • Sanket Kothari

    Sanket Kothari


    Good food .. decent taste and good quality. Service is also good..

  • Elvis Gonzalez

    Elvis Gonzalez


    Delicious Thai food and the price is unbeatable.

  • Zlata Vlaska

    Zlata Vlaska


    A great place for awesome soups, salads, appetizers, curries, pad Thai etc... we like it very much. It tastes good, fresh, quickly delivered! And affordable prices. We have been there 2 times and we'll be back.

  • Melwin John

    Melwin John


    Really good Thai food and when you ask them to make it spicy... they DO NOT hold back. It is not a negative aspect because certain food types need to be spicy. The place looks small but give it a try and you may like it. Recommended dish: The tomyum sea food (optionally make it Spicy 😥)

  • en

    j mit


    It was OK. If it is the 'best Thai food in Bahrain' , I should switch to trying Chinese restaurants. Maybe they should figure out what their best dishes are, and recommend those as 'house specials'. It was certainly crowded, so maybe it's good. Maybe I should ask the waiter for his recommendation?

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