Tea Club i Amwaj Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainTea Club



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2628, Amwaj Island, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3888 7107
internet side: www.teaclubworld.com
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Latitude: 26.286988, Longitude: 50.663731

kommentar 5

  • Hussain Mohammed

    Hussain Mohammed


    Place that I like to go frequently with my family to get nice and quite time while drinking tea or eating delicious sweets especially on winter season to take advantage of outdoor seating..I recommend it. Must be visited

  • en

    At M


    nice setting, but the afternoon tea wasn't very refined - particularly the nibbles.

  • Adel Ali Salman

    Adel Ali Salman


    The place is nice, but prices are high. Need to review price against size, small stuff for high price.

  • Ayman K.

    Ayman K.


    This is one of my favorite places to have a quiet dinner or even some dessert with a hot pot of tea from the tea menu, amazing quiet atmosphere, very friendly staff and the setup is so cozy that you really feel at home, yeah and my mom really likes going there (more reasons to love this place) =) My new favorite drink here is their Rose Iced tea! It's very nice and not that sweet, just right! As for food I usually get the mini steak sandwiches with less mayo👌 New stuff I have started ordering occasionally include their (Hot) Red tea with Apple and Cinammon or (Cold) Appolonia (Ice Slimming tea with Cinammon and Fresh Apple, it's quiet refreshing!) and for desert you must try their Mango Kunafa =D sweet yet light don't ask me how just try it [14 Mar 2018 Update] Had to take down 2 stars since down since not only there are no Gents toilets, but also the only bathroom which was here that was the ladies bathroom has been closed for good, bathrooms are essential in any restaurant, there aren't even wash basins!, I understand that there are public ones meters away from Tea Club (on level 1) but those are unsuitable for human use! they are as dirty as gas station public toilets.

  • ابراهيم معجمي

    ابراهيم معجمي


    Test was ok but not as I expected , the karak test was less than the normal but the sweet was very good,

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