Joz Salon & Spa Juffair Branch i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainJoz Salon & Spa Juffair Branch



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1736 9133
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Latitude: 26.2116213, Longitude: 50.6082805

kommentar 5

  • en

    Baqer Saleh Ali


    Great place to relax & pamper ur body 😊

  • en

    samir kozum


    The massage is perfect but the place need to be improved

  • Abdul Samad Abu Baker

    Abdul Samad Abu Baker


    Excellent private location Spa and Salon in the heart of Juffair food street

  • Sister Tyler

    Sister Tyler


    Good service but too extensive for most of the services.

  • sudhir reddy

    sudhir reddy


    It was good but not very satisfactory. The spa's in Hyderabad, India were much better. The massageur left me incomplete exactly after an hour by saying see you, thanks. I didn't had any clue if someone else would continue the massage or should I pay and leave the place. This was the situation. The only positive part was the massageur has lot of strength in hands which give you some relief from your backpain. When I complemented the person about the good pressure, the massageur didn't had the courtesy to say thanks and it made me feel uncomfortable. Overall I feel that it is worth 2 star.

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