Standard Chartered Bank i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainStandard Chartered Bank



🕗 åbningstider

Road No 1705, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1753 1532
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2399773, Longitude: 50.5887211

kommentar 5

  • Mr 7amad

    Mr 7amad


    they dont even deserve one star. Its the worst worst place i have ever visited the customer service is sooo bad i wish i had never went there in the first place. anything you ask them they will say all of the info is in the internet then why are there customer services and other useless stuff. no respect no value for customer

  • Val Avstral

    Val Avstral


    Bad bad bad service! Worth service in the world.useless staff!!! Waiting 2 months for credit card and then I just canceled my application. Don’t go there!

  • Zahra Ghanbari

    Zahra Ghanbari


    horrible horrible service in terms of their customer service department - had to wait 1 month for a credit card that they apparently told us we were low priority and we had to re-apply - Bad Bad Bad customer service that say things and then do not respond.

  • Madhu Sarda

    Madhu Sarda


    Bank located in Manama. Opposite Gold City. Supportive staff. Nice waiting area.

  • Don Hartley

    Don Hartley


    These guys are the worst bank in Bahrain. They have no idea what is going in. I have had to come back to the offices many times because one of my signatures does not look exactly like another signature. They then make you sign it half a dozen times until it is close enough. It also took them a month to setup a savings account and never delivered my debit card until I hunted them down. If you are a westerners, just bank with Citi.

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