Smile Studios Dental Center -عيادات دكتور محمد خير الهموز i Manama

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BahrainSmile Studios Dental Center -عيادات دكتور محمد خير الهموز



🕗 åbningstider

789 building, 333 block ,3315 road، Manama 333, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1741 0100
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.20515, Longitude: 50.584784

kommentar 5

  • Ziad Nasser

    Ziad Nasser


    100 BD for reservation??????? unfriendly and greedy dr. (khair) not recomended . there are alot of bahraini clinics and bahraini drs. who are more professional and friendly .

  • Ahmed Khader

    Ahmed Khader


    Fantastic service and friendly staff! Exceeded my expectations with in terms of the facility. Dr Mohammed is a true professional! Looking forward to my next visit for my new crowns.

  • Yaz Film

    Yaz Film


    It is a great clinic with very friendly and helpful receptionists and highly qualified dentists. Free parking, nice music. One would think their prices would be exaggerated, but they are not; the prices are reasonable considering the distinguished services received.

  • Mohammad Abu Khdeir

    Mohammad Abu Khdeir


    Very professional staff .... cant have single comment from the reception till the end of process .... clean and neat .... and for sure you will leave with the best smile

  • Hayan Shaltoni

    Hayan Shaltoni


    The staff was professional, caring and friendly and most important thing that the center is very clean. such a great experience

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