Smart Laundry i Seef

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BahrainSmart Laundry


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Seef, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 7710 4047
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Latitude: 26.2394136, Longitude: 50.5361223

kommentar 5

  • Marryam Khawaja

    Marryam Khawaja


    Horrible place. They never give you your clothes on time. Staff attitude is horrible. We use it because it is the closest to us. They say they offer free delivery but you need to have a minimum order. Even if your home is in walking distance from them. But finally another laundry place opened near by so we moved our business. Our last straw was when they lost our blanket . For 3 days. And never bothered to call us. After a ton of screaming they found it. Will never return

  • en

    Abdullah Y


    24/7 laundry with urgent service within 2 hrs

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    sunita nazier


    An absolute disaster. Smart Laundry is not the place to go to, if you value your clothes. They launder clothes in the rear of the shop in a washing machine and charge you for dry cleaning. To add insult to injury they have an agreement with Super Laundry to dry clean clothes as they do not have dry cleaning equipment. ! That is if and when they intend to dryclean your clothes and not launder them. Destroyed all 19 garments - Sweaters, Trousers, blouses.. clothes came back sizes too small and with shine press marrks and additional stains ! (Nasser- if you are fortunate enough to stay at the Ritz you are better off dry cleaning your clothes there) Apparently being the only dry cleaner in the area has its perks, and attracts the weekend visitors rushing in droves as they seem to be very busy washing thobes.... but please. shop around folks and hoping someone out there gives these guys some competition soon. Not cheap either ! Regret going there and stongly advise others not to either. Zero stars awarded but I have to click on at least one to post this review !

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    sue fernandes


    Terrible service and a complete rip off. Dry Cleaning and Laundry service ? ... I dont think so ! Clothes returned with stains, tears and shrinkage. Smart Laundry is a mess.... NOT SO SMART !

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    miss california


    They offer urgent cleaning + pressing and if you are staying in the Ritz Carlton hotel consider this place your cheaper laundry. Ironically this place is dealing with all the hotels in the area including the Ritz Carlton. My suggestion is to take your laundry to this place if you are staying in Ritz Carlton instead of paying a lot of money.

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