Brite laundry & dry cleaners WLL i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBrite laundry & dry cleaners WLL



🕗 åbningstider

Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1724 1210
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Latitude: 26.2277689, Longitude: 50.562753

kommentar 5

  • Mohamed Tariq

    Mohamed Tariq


    Really satisfied with the service. Recommended. May be few customers got disappointed with their service but I'm happy with their service

  • mohammed alamgir

    mohammed alamgir


    Very bad work, shouldn't wash car here

  • en

    sidharth gusain


    The worst place to give your car for washing your interior. They spoiled my friends car and the blame is on me because i recommeded this place. And now i cant find the parts of the car.

  • Dunya Ali

    Dunya Ali


    They have Ruined my brand new pure silk shirt! I'm furious there are tiny holes all over the shirt and the second time a family member took the same shirt to them without me knowing now the shirt is crinkled and chewed up in multiple spots!!!! Same thing happened to my Cotton skirt it has small holes in it too! Also they used a big pin to stick the receipt in my skirt and now it has a hole in !!! :) it's brand new thanks for destroying my clothes.

  • en

    waseem Khan


    They r profesnal

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