Slider Station i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainSlider Station



🕗 åbningstider

Block 338, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1663 3777
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2145273, Longitude: 50.5929147

kommentar 5

  • en

    Murtada ALNASSER


    Love everything in rest, love eat, love seats, love place and decor and new taste and very good😍😍

  • en

    rashed albuainain


    Juicy, heavy and tasty. One of the best burgers in Bahrain.

  • Adam Jokhio

    Adam Jokhio


    Great concept and great food. The ambiance is great and very lively atmosphere. I've been here a couple times now and it has not let me down. The sliders, burgers, flat bread, handguns are all delicious with high quality ingredients. Food is well worth the price. They even have a conveyer belt bar area where you can just grab your sliders as their made if you chose to sit there. Additionally rooftop is wonderful to sit on weather permitting. Staff are very friendly and helpful too. Highly recommended. It is coming close to replacing Blaze burger as my favourite burger place! It definitely beats it in the areas of atmosphere and ambiance.

  • en

    Glen Padiyar


    Love the concept, love the food, love the decor. Just loved everything about it. Menu is so big but still executed so well. Good job

  • en

    A Sabbagh


    Delicious burgers in a great ambience. The place is enticing! It’s a 3 floor restaurant with a roof top with nice views. The food is really innovative with their beetroot bread and the fillings which is mouth watering tasty. Slider burgers are a great idea if you want to try different tastes.

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