Sheema Framing and Gallery i Adliya

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BahrainSheema Framing and Gallery



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road 2725 block 327 shop 1263، Adliya 327, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3642 2786
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Latitude: 26.21432, Longitude: 50.586834

kommentar 5

  • Ali Al hilly

    Ali Al hilly


    I am dealing with shaima framing and specifically Mr. Mustafa for the last 10 years. Simply the best framing in the kingdom of Bahrain. Their service is state of art. Mr. Mustafa is always very helpful in choosing the right frame for the right painting of photographs. Genuine artistic experience that can give you a wonderful equilibrium between the painting and the frame.

  • Ashraf Channel CCJ

    Ashraf Channel CCJ


    The best framing & art Gallery I have ever visited. Excellent customer service. Wide range.Reasonable Prices.Highly Recommend Sheema!

  • mohammad ramadan

    mohammad ramadan


    Over our ten years in Bahrain we have been beyond happy with the service and quality that the crew at Sheema framing offers. We’ve had family photos done with them along with high end photography prints and other art pieces, from floating frames to all the little demands we had, the guys were beyond accommodating! We highly recommend them and are sad to be leaving Bahrain. It’ll be hard to find a replacement to the services they offer

  • en

    Rose Thomas


    Sheema Framing did an fantastic job at hanging all of my frames! The guys were relaxed, calm and very professional. Even gave suggestions on hanging spots! Thank you for the great customer service! Highly recommend Sheema Framing!

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    Anissa Carew


    Having recently moved to Bahrain, I needed to have a few frames fixed from being damaged in the move, as well as finally framing those pictures & prints I had been meaning to get around to sorting! I am quite particular about my art work & wanted to make sure I got the best frame to compliment each individual piece of art. There are many frames to choose from & Mustafa was great to advise on each one. I highly recommend this shop.

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