Al Riwaq Art Space i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAl Riwaq Art Space


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Osama Bin Zaid Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1770 0237
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Latitude: 26.215384, Longitude: 50.592263

kommentar 5

  • Al Ma

    Al Ma


    One of the best places that showcase Bahraini talents in Art , really hope they don't shutdown the place

  • waves of memory

    waves of memory


    It's very quiet place during weekdays. I guess they will shutdown the place soon or its already done.

  • en

    Eman Al Aradi


    An art gallery/exhibition in the center of city food and drinks neighborhood. The place is also popular for their cafe, that offers a nice collection of cakes, muffins, cookies, sandwiches, pizza and salads for a light and healthy bite. I usually enjoy the cafe.

  • sarah jane Mcentee

    sarah jane Mcentee


    Love it totally. The food, the atmosphere the staff..the change of Art on the walls. This place is small serving only about 10 tables inside and out..perfect. great prices but parking can be difficult

  • Ali Khoori

    Ali Khoori


    Very nice to enjoy art and food at the same time.. Adliya in general is very beautiful with food and art everywhere.. Al Riwaq Art Space is very good to meet for a coffee specially if you are looking for some inspiration 😉.. I like the place and recommend it big time specially when there is an event going on. It is good for kids also if you are hesitant to bring the kids or no.

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