Sacred Heart School i Isa Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainSacred Heart School


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Road No 4109, 388, Isa Town, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1768 4367
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1585016, Longitude: 50.5391152

kommentar 5

  • Ironsnake 87

    Ironsnake 87


    Very sad experience, you believe to find a welcoming catholic and professional school, the only thing you will find is a cold place were not even a smile will be given.

  • Haneen Abbas

    Haneen Abbas


    Occasionally stressful to deal with, explainations aren't the best, though the notes are ok, we have fun activities and stuff and our teachers are the best

  • Chevonne Fernandes

    Chevonne Fernandes


    Been here from the start of my schooling life, and I can say in full confidence that the school has provided all its students with the best that it possibly could for the most reasonable fees on the island. The school is and was always known for having the highest disciplinary standards compared to other schools. It has made me, and many before me grow in discipline, self respect and dignity. My years at Sacred heart will always be my most treasured.

  • en

    Shabrana Aman


    There's no other school that can beat sacred heart with better disciplinary rules. Each and every student follows the rules. Definitely one of the best schools. It doesn't only provide quality education to students but helps them become better people in the future. The staff and student body act together as one big family. Sacred heart school will always be home for me.

  • en

    Mirna Ashour


    Lacks facilities, technology and competent staff, but is otherwise a culturally diverse and welcome place. It strives to present whatever it can with the minimal resources available. The students are ambitious and committed to their education.

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