Al Naseem International School i Riffa

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BahrainAl Naseem International School


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30, 28503, Riffa, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1778 2000
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.152951, Longitude: 50.5410566

kommentar 5

  • Mystery



    Never been to this school but I heard they do not give proper punishments and bullying is high in this school.

  • en

    Ebrahim Najem


    well organized family event .. kids enjoyed it.

  • Waqas Alvi

    Waqas Alvi


    Excellent school in Bahrain. The only scchool in bahrian which is having 3 out of 4 IB programs registered and recognised by international baccalaureate. The development and progress of my kids are amazing. Moderate to expensive.

  • Jumana Alrayyan

    Jumana Alrayyan


    The place where the education mixed with fun

  • en

    riz rivera


    This school has high standard and curriculum. Alll the accreditations needed by the students are recognized on this school to be accepted in any colleges and universities around the world including USA and EUROPE. It has a world class soccer field surrounded by track and field with fully air-conditioned gymnasium that has complete facilities. An outdoor tennis court is also available. Expected on the opening of the school year on 2017 is an international class theater.

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