Philippine School Bahrain i A'ali

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainPhilippine School Bahrain


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Road No 3222, A'ali, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1764 4101
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1552903, Longitude: 50.526123

kommentar 5

  • Dreamcatcher 27

    Dreamcatcher 27


    The contact number is not reachable. Please change. Thanks

  • YHK



    i don't know if my house made came from there and took a year to come

  • Vera Francisco

    Vera Francisco


    PSB has a great environment, they always improve it. Many students transfer here because of its quality, they said that they have learned alot here compared to other schools. The disadvantages is that ISpeak is not really followed so you'll not be fluent in English unless you are really practicing by your own since your classmates here is also Filipinos. And the teachers always says to go in the library on our free time knowing that our recess time (our only vacant) is just 30 minutes and we still need to wait for the long queue in the canteen, The library opens at 7am and it's also the start of our classes so how can we able to go there??? It's like they just built a library for the sake of having a library. the quality of teaching is excellent, there are really great and excellent teachers but there are few lazy teachers that doesn't teach anything or they discuss lessons but can't barely be understood. It would take forever if I rant everything. Overall, PSB is a great school if you want to be closer to your culture but they still need to improve on some points.

  • Atomic Bloo

    Atomic Bloo


    I'm not a student there lawl

  • en

    Anon Anon


    Oh my Gosh, I was from this school, but I tansferred to another cuz the fees are high yet the teaching quality is low.

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