Passion Restaurant and Cafe i Adliya, Manama

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BahrainPassion Restaurant and Cafe



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Building 571, Road 3819، Block 338، Adliya, Manama، Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1700 7212
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Latitude: 26.2150343, Longitude: 50.5922889

kommentar 5

  • Mohamed Monem

    Mohamed Monem


    Do not go in Buffet. High sweet variety. No even a ventilation in the rest rooms.

  • Chrystal Peris

    Chrystal Peris


    I went for their Iftar Buffet yesterday. The food was amazing. Everything was hot and fresh, and they had a very good selection of items. The hummus is SPECTACULAR, and I think I foated off the ground when I ate their Haloumi Samosas. They also had mini burgers for kids which tasted amazing. They had a crepe making station and they were making fresh crepes for everyone on order and also fresh vanilla ice cream. The ice cream was really creamy and amazing. The staff were very kind and kept checking to see if we needed anything, and they were very patient with us. I really love this place and its ambience. The chairs are also very comfortable, you don't feel tired even if you've been sitting in them for 3 hours :P

  • Zara Bakri

    Zara Bakri


    Lovely, casual place. Great varieties of food and beverages on the menu. Exceptional Moroccan green tea!

  • Nadia Yar

    Nadia Yar


    It's a nice place and the food is good but they used to have a lot more vegan options which they have stopped, which one of the main reasons I don't go there much anymore. Even though they have some on the menu, they always say they are out of it with when you try and order. Other than the vegan options, everyone I go with always enjoys their food and the service is usually good.

  • Hassan Munir

    Hassan Munir


    Very good place for a Friday night dinner with friends or family. Food experience was great. Outside sitting area is nice when weather is suitable. I do recommend this place for all.

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