Nasser Pharmacy i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainNasser Pharmacy



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Sh Abdulla Avenue, 684, Manama, BH Bahrajn
kontakter telefon: +973 1774 0499
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.208953, Longitude: 50.575985

kommentar 5

  • Ahmed Rabea

    Ahmed Rabea


    They have huge range of products! One of the strongest companies in Bahrain! They are one of the largest pharmaceutical suppliers! So what, all of this does not matter if not reflected on customer experience. This place has the worst customer service, if you want to be disrespected, go there! If you want to feel mistreated, visit this place! They’re core business is to provide medicine, and medicines on high demand are always out of stock! A typical answer would be, “check in our branch in .....” they have a very poor stock management system! The staff are always angry at the customers, I assume it’s because they’re miss treated by their management or poorly trained! There is no contact channel to their management either because they don’t want to talk to customers or it is in their policy to disrespect customers!

  • rick gautam

    rick gautam


    No business Can be good if they dont treat employees fairly,They exploit foreign worker,doesnt pay their dues and dont let employee goes to their home even if close-ones are on death-bed,They keep their passport which is totally illegal

  • Saroj Kumar Sharma

    Saroj Kumar Sharma


    Huge product range of medical products and staff are very good friendly beauty products

  • Abdulaziz Sharif

    Abdulaziz Sharif


    Very bad service..all branches in Riffa''isa town and zinj..not answering phine calls! very dissapointing!

  • Bassam Baazeem

    Bassam Baazeem


    رووووعة .. باختصار فيها كل شي تقريباً .. وترتيب وتنظيم وعرض روعة .. حتى مجلات موجود فيها

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