Montreal Motors Co SPC i Al Seef

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainMontreal Motors Co SPC



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Al Seef, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1700 7222
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.238122, Longitude: 50.534121

kommentar 5

  • Mohamed Albuainain

    Mohamed Albuainain


    Over 21 years ago, Mr. Ebrahim Abdullah Al Elsheikh started automotive operations along with other investment businesses.Mr. Ebrahim Abdullah Al Elsheikh, had an interest in cars from a very young age and started his career from automotive sector itself. With single-minded focus, belief, passion, and clarity of purpose, he ventured into the automotive business and established, what is now a very well reputed, automotive operation in the Kingdom of Bahrain.Mr. Ebrahim founded Montreal Motors in 1994 to play a vital role in GCC’s borderless economy and since then, Montreal Motors has experienced exceptional growth in automotive sector. Additionally, the Company has diversified into various other businesses which complement the existing automotive sales business. The expansion is certainly attributable to a well thought-out strategy of vertical integration, horizontal expansion and building international business relationships with leading business houses in the region.Through many years of trading, Montreal Motors’ Business has nurtured into a mutually beneficial long-term relationship with our local and international partners. Our keen interest in local economy and major development projects, enabled us to offer our local and international partners strong and visible representation in Bahrain market.Montreal Motors is committed to further expansion of our business portfolio in diversified fields through the best in management practices.

  • Thamer Jawad

    Thamer Jawad


  • Alauddin Bhuiyan

    Alauddin Bhuiyan


  • الأعزل unarmed

    الأعزل unarmed


  • Sakkeer Ashraf MP

    Sakkeer Ashraf MP


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