Honda SEHLA i Northern Governorate

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BahrainHonda SEHLA



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شارع الشيخ سلمان, Northern Governorate, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1745 7100
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Latitude: 26.2057594, Longitude: 50.5391854

kommentar 5

  • en

    Qasim Waqar


    Car servicing. Great staff very helpful

  • en

    Amer Bsat


    Here you will find the worst Car Body Shop in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The staff are indifferent, unprofessional, and seem to hate their jobs. I had the worst experience ever while fixing my Honda City. I had a minor accident where only the trunk and the tail lights were damaged. It took National Motor Company 4 full months to fix my car (the first 2 months they kept saying that the spare parts weren't available, and then 2 more months where they claimed that the car was under repair). It was a total nightmare. There is noway that such a minor accident would need more than 10 days or 2 weeks to get fixed. I had to follow up with them continuously, and they wouldn't provide feedback or even call me back. I was about to report them to the police, but I just wanted the whole episode to get over, and I didn't want to prolong the struggle. When I picked up my car, I found 2 big spots on the roof of the car, where car paint looked damaged. I would assume that they have kept the car out in the open garage for a long time, and maybe there was some sort of liquid that was dripping on the car... which caused such a damage. When i saw the damage, I decided to take my car and fix it elsewhere, as I didn't want to wait for another 2 months to get it fixed! While Honda is a very solid brand, I would definitely avoid buying any Honda cars in Bahrain only to avoid dealing with such a horrible and unprofessional dealer.

  • Svetlana Prodanova

    Svetlana Prodanova


    Visited the spare parts department. Ordered a cover for the driver’s mirror, which was not available anywhere. Expecting it to arrive on time within 10 days max. Price very reasonable. Sounds promising. 🤞🏼

  • Isa Alhawi

    Isa Alhawi


    Used cars

  • Shanu Abdul Rahuman

    Shanu Abdul Rahuman


    Excellent Service

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