Modern Dental Center i توبلي

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainModern Dental Center



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Office 11, First floor, 1101 Avenue 13, توبلي 711, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 7728 8880
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Latitude: 26.202722, Longitude: 50.563288

kommentar 5

  • Patchi Maulana

    Patchi Maulana


    dr. askar really good to me he give me an big discount on zircon crown.. i would recomend to all this dentist big discount and they well really take care of you... thanks doc

  • Kate Jefferies

    Kate Jefferies


    Would definitely go back again and would also recommend to a friend. Clean modern facilities and friendly staff. Dr Ashkar was very proffessional in dealing with a wisdom tooth problem. Totally resolved now and i am pleased with the results. I was a little nervous but felt put at ease by the dr and nurses.

  • Karlijn Wijnbergen

    Karlijn Wijnbergen


    Very professional. Dr Ashkar did a very good job putting me at ease and was quick and thorough. Will go back here again when I need a dentist.

  • Laura Miskell

    Laura Miskell


    New to Bahrain and was recommended to go here. Professional and super clean facility, really happy with the staff - super friendly! I was booked with Dr. Ashkar and had multiple fillings, all pain free! Would definitely use the facility again.

  • Mohammed Gharieb

    Mohammed Gharieb


    Although going dentist isn't my favorable thing BUT when I went MDC I felt really great.. Professional service, friendly people, great advises and good prices as well. So, and for the first time ever, I didn't get annoyed going dentist and I won't delay my periodical checkup anymore. Many thanks lovely people for you great assistance.

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