Max - Segayya i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainMax - Segayya



🕗 åbningstider

Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1723 1400
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Latitude: 26.2137801, Longitude: 50.5777743

kommentar 5

  • Haroon Navash

    Haroon Navash


    Cheep price best collection branded wears all the needs of costume get satisfied at one place at low cost. Location &landmark shegaya opposite to al Hayat Center next to king abdul Azeez hospital salmaniya. “Live for the moment. Not for likes“ parking available

  • Mitul Chothani

    Mitul Chothani


    One of the best shop of Max fashion chain. Nicely located. Prices are reasonable and have good quality of garments. Shoe section is small but you can get something for day today use. Ample Parking available. Nearby MegaMart, Coffee Shops and Restaurants is positive point. During busy times like weekends and offer period, queues at Cash Counter can be slow and can test your patience :-) (If you like the review please like it, it helps to write more such reviews, it takes just one Click to like the review:) )

  • en

    Ahmad Daous


    The normal Max store, but this one has lots of parking spaces, and not too busy. The quality of their cotton clothes is amazing

  • Ayman K.

    Ayman K.


    Very reasonably priced clothing store, they have a variety of clothes some made with good quality garments and some with lower quality, you can easily find what's what when you personally shop there.

  • Saswati Borah

    Saswati Borah


    Nice clothing store providing the latest styles. The quality is quite good and the prices are reasonable. The location is good.

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