Kids Kingdom i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainKids Kingdom



🕗 åbningstider

Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3995 3876
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Latitude: 26.2353039, Longitude: 50.5705898

kommentar 5

  • tarick Noor

    tarick Noor


    Good place for quick hangout with kids

  • Shabin Pk

    Shabin Pk


    One of the Very good kids park in Bahrain.have somany ride of small kids.

  • en

    Fawzi Alwosaibai


    The rides are a mix between old and new and the prices range between 300 and 500 fils. It’s a good place to take the kids to during good weather.

  • Geeta Ananth

    Geeta Ananth


    There are many types of games. There is a walking place for parents and the children can have lot of fun. The place is also very clean. There are many animals that children can see after playing. Not only for the children, for the babies there is the hall so that the babies can also have fun. Keep it up!!

  • Faizal Mohammed

    Faizal Mohammed


    Reasonably priced rides for kids ... There is a park besides where u can sit. there are a few caged birds the little ones will enjoy to watch. There are both indoor and outdoor games .

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