Adhari Park i Tubli

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BahrainAdhari Park



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Shaikh Isa Bin Salman Highway, Tubli, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1740 7300
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Latitude: 26.1985281, Longitude: 50.5452632

kommentar 5

  • Mitul Chothani

    Mitul Chothani


    Nice park to spend leisure time with friends and family. They have decent selection of the rides e.g. dashing car, roller coaster, gravity fall, trampoline jumping, merry go round, some water rides etc. Kids will definitely have fun. Bicycle hire option is available. CPR is required for Bicycle hire. Payment is by Cash only. Pedal boat hire is nice. One can easily spend 4 - 6 hours. Food court has McDonald's, Jasmis, Little Ceasars (Pizza shop) etc. There are Food shops nears rides that serve snacks and beverage. They have special celebration on Labour's Day. Ample parking space. However during holiday you may have to park at 3 - 4 minutes walking distance. (If you like the review please like it, it helps to write more such reviews, it takes just one Click to like the review:) )

  • en

    Russell Brown


    This place has loads of potential. A great new gym is opening soon. Bring back the food vendors. Come make this place busy again

  • Vivek Joseph K

    Vivek Joseph K


    A decent (just about) park. The rides are a bit expensive and you can burn through your prepaid park card pretty quickly. There aren't many eating options and on the busiest day (Friday), only one outlet is open at the entrance food court! The toilets are positively disgusting and filthy. All in all, it is an ok place for kids to spend time but nothing particularly impressive.

  • senthil kumar

    senthil kumar


    Very good park for walking and children’s playing area. Well maintained grass covered park.small football ground available here. With family spending time here very easy and greenery surrounded by this park.Evening u can find lot of rush here. Weekend no place for taking rest full of human heads u can find everywhere inside the park. Main problem for this park u can’t get parking slot.Rest room not maintained properly . Safety wise u can find lot of security guards taking round in the park. Weekend time pass good park.

  • en

    Sathyajith Tiranagama


    This is undoubtedly the best outdoor entertainment theme park in Bahrain. This had it's glory days before 2011. Some of the exciting rides are no longer in operation. However the ones in operation are a loads of fun. Place needs refurbishment and promotional activities to attract more crowd. Highly recommended to all age groups.

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