Ibrahim Al Arrayed House i Manama

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BahrainIbrahim Al Arrayed House



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Palace Road, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973
internet side: www.shaikhebrahimcenter.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2317602, Longitude: 50.5874056

kommentar 5

  • en

    Abdullah Saif


    No car parks!

  • en

    Mehboobalam Alam


    Oh so nice but traffic

  • Tbrz Sab

    Tbrz Sab


    Normally ok

  • Abbas G. Awadh Salmeen

    Abbas G. Awadh Salmeen


    House of Ibrahim Alorayed called "House of Poetry" and is located in Manama, and held it own poetry and poets meetings, also visiting him can listen to the broad hair, and read Arabic pendants, and then visit the library, which contains collections of poetry from all over the world, and reflect on the contents of the office Special to Abrahim Alorayed

  • Arunkumar Kameshwar

    Arunkumar Kameshwar


    The Ibrahim Al Arrayed House is dedicated to the art of poetry, which plays a central cultural role in this region. It is named after the famous Bahraini poet Ibrahim Al Arrayed, who was Bahrain’s foremost figure in poetry and literature for over half a century. Opened on 3 April, 2006, the House of Poetry has become a cultural center for events relating to poetry. It also houses a large collection of books and works by the foremost figures in the field of poetry of the region, forming a base for researchers and lovers of poetry.

nærmeste Museum

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