Bahrain National Museum i Manama

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BahrainBahrain National Museum



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Shaikh Hamad Causeway, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1729 8777
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2416934, Longitude: 50.5974534

kommentar 5




    This is nice Museum giving insights on an client Bahrain tradition, culture and history. Entry fee is only BHD 1 and you can easily spend at least 2 3 hours. Worth visiting, especially if you have to take around your guest who are visiting Bahrain first time. Best time to go is during late afternoon so that you can enjoy the evening outside the museum with nice sea view. Very pleasant feeling and you can have nice photos for your memories. Ask Staff to guide you on how to go to seaside from within Museum...

  • Haunani Drake

    Haunani Drake


    I love this museum. As a family with toddlers, it is a nice place to visit for about an hour. Several displays that keep the kids entertained while learning. I highly recommend returning without the kids and reading about the Delmun and Bahrain's history. It is soooo fascinating. Every tourist should spend at least one hour here to learn about the rich history of Bahrain. You can also take a boat trip to the Fort across the Bay, only accessible through the museum. The boat ride is kid friendly and you get a beautiful view of Manama. I take all our visitor guests here and everyone loves it.

  • Mitul Chothani

    Mitul Chothani


    This is nice Museum giving insights on ancient Bahrain tradition, culture and history. Entry fee is only BHD 1 and you can easily spend at least 2 - 3 hours. Worth visiting, especially if you have to take around your guest who are visiting Bahrain first time. Best time to go is during late afternoon so that you can enjoy the evening outside the museum with nice sea view. Very pleasant feeling and you can have nice photos for your memories. Ask Staff to guide you on how to go to sea side from within Museum. They do have Coffee Shop / Restaurant within the Museum. Some galleries may be closed due to renovations work. They do some sitting place if you feel tired from walking :) (If you like the review please like it, it helps to write more such reviews, it takes just one Click to like the review:) )

  • jenjen giucs

    jenjen giucs


    It is a good place to visit if you want to have a glimpse of the old Bahrain. It will make you go back to the basic. You will see how awesome Bahrain is from its roots, how simple life is and how great the country is. The serenity and peace in the muse will give you a taste of Bahrain's beautiful and laid back history.

  • en

    m osman


    A must see for anyone visiting Bahrain. The entry is 1 BD and the entry ticket is a post card that you can keep as a souvenir. (Pretty well thought out!)It is a good place to spend about an hour and half. (Lots of historical artifacts and even a pearling exhibit is presented to the visitors!)The coffee shop is great for inviting your visitors in for a decent cup of tea or coffee.

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