Habara Snacks and Fish i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainHabara Snacks and Fish



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Osama Bin Zaid Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 5461
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Latitude: 26.2143793, Longitude: 50.5876771

kommentar 5

  • en

    Karen Co


    I passed by at half past 8am, came in they took my order. Tomatoes and eggs with fries on the side. It is now 9:31am only now my food is coming- and the fries I ordered are soggy cold. People who came in later than I got their orders and left. It’s a shame, I’m a regular and now I don’t reckon I’ll be coming back anytime soon.

  • Ahmed A.razaq

    Ahmed A.razaq


    Normal sandwiches compared to others around, high prices equal to franchise restaurants per person or bit more

  • en

    Muhammad Malik


    Habara one of the oldest and favorite Cafeterias for sandwiches and juices in Bahrain in the busiest part of Adliya. It changed into a modern day cafeteria recently with a nice look n an overpriced menu. The sandwiches are worth being over priced but not the juices. Its best for take aways but no enough Parking so order n tour Adliya for waiting time. The dine in area is nice too if u get lucky n get empty seats n tables. The service is slow n it gets slower the busier it gets so order ahead. Fish fillet recomended. Avocado juice is Water Avocado juice.

  • naveen yadav

    naveen yadav


    Very nice food testy and spicy I love to eat there

  • devavrat sohoni

    devavrat sohoni


    Nice place to have good sandwiches, burgers and fresh juice. A bit pricey. The seating has improved , and the place has been renovated and expanded. Located in the prime of adliya

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