GulfMart Supermarket i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainGulfMart Supermarket



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Ammar Bin Yasser Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1755 8182
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Latitude: 26.2282127, Longitude: 50.5804209

kommentar 5

  • All In One

    All In One


    Very helpful market and good price, offer

  • Kaushal Dhekane

    Kaushal Dhekane


    I visited to carrefour in manama branch @ late evening.I was purchasing some groceries and vegetables.When i was in vegetable section I got to see one horrible thing where as a box of cucumber fully contain with fungus.I was so dissatisfied by the staff carelessness in such kind of reputed hypermarket.I noticed this same to one of Bangaladeshi staff members then instead of accepting the issue he started explain that he checked all vegetables in the per my knowledge that cucumber fungus was 3-4 days back grown.I Hope carrefour will take care of this serious food hygiene issues to maintain their brand value in market.

  • en

    Naveen Jacob


    It's the biggest hyper market in the sacred Heart church/Gudabiya Area. Everything you will need on a day to day basis is here.

  • pran dutta

    pran dutta


    Buy everything but dont go for electronics. Section maneger is unskilled. I buy a lcd. After 2 month it stop working. When i submit they said motherboard is not working. This part is not part of our warrenty. When i took back they remove my speker from my tv. Very bad experience i got in my life. Nesto is 1000 times better customer service. Think twice when you have plan to buy electronics from gulf mart.

  • Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara

    Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara


    It's nice supermarket... And very easy to find out the things which you r looking for... You find several types of spices here.. And my all over conclusion is that its good mall

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