Golden Tulip Bahrain i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainGolden Tulip Bahrain


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Old Palace Road, Manama 1090, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1753 5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2400626, Longitude: 50.5846284

kommentar 5

  • Ewa Maloney

    Ewa Maloney


    Good food, helpful staff, nice and clean room

  • Edward Rushton

    Edward Rushton


    Well.located and pretty good but a bit tired compared with some of the newer five star hotels in Bahrain.

  • mohammed azam

    mohammed azam


    It was great hospitality.... excelent service and best buffet of town...

  • Gourav Arora

    Gourav Arora


    Pathetic experience, worst is the way they treat their guests, they leave no space to embarrass their guests. I wonder how they got 4 stars and for what service

  • romit chhabra

    romit chhabra


    Really nice place to stay near the airport. Very good room and service. Food was fine, not too good, at least for me. I stayed there via my airline in transit and thus got a different food then normal guest. May be the normal food is better. Overall a very good experience, especially for the price which I had paid.

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