Elite Medical Center i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainElite Medical Center



🕗 åbningstider

Road 2421 Awal Avenue, 18th Floor, Business Bay Tower, Block 324, Al Juffair AlJuffair، Manama 324, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3434 9282
internet side: emcbahrain.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2170118, Longitude: 50.6089872

kommentar 5

  • blackmore limited

    blackmore limited


    I visited the resident doctor here recently. I was shocked at how unprofessional she was; rude, arrogant, made inappropriate comments regarding my medical issue and didn't seem as though she was a real doctor at all. She is only young too and clearly has little or no real experience. Avoid.

  • Kبلصلawther Mohan

    Kبلصلawther Mohan


    One of the best medical &dental centre in bahrain,wish them all the best..

  • Nashwan Abdulelah

    Nashwan Abdulelah


    Great medical center. Professional practitioners. I personally tried their dental services. They were up to the standard. I truly recommend this center.

  • Haitham K

    Haitham K


    One Of The Best Dentists Highly Professional Doctors & Very Cooperative With Patients Also When It Comes To Money It Is Really Affordable And The Treatment Is Amazing For All Your Dental Need Do Visit This Clinic

  • lusail flowers

    lusail flowers


    Thank you for making my experience as comfortable as possible. It's been years since visiting the dentist and old childhood memory and fears laid to rest. The receptionist was friendly and polite. The lovely Dentist looked after and gave me the best advise. Very thorough and professional Would recommend Everything clearly explained Felt reassured and in good hands

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