Dr. Mariam Habib Dental Clinic Bahrain i Muharraq

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainDr. Mariam Habib Dental Clinic Bahrain



🕗 åbningstider

Building 1351, Road 4334، Block 243, Flat 13، Muharraq, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1734 1234
internet side: www.drmariamhabib.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.257605, Longitude: 50.647985

kommentar 5

  • en

    jaffer busafwan


    I’m a patient of Dr. Hussain and he is the only one i trust in this field, yesterday i was here and he treated me perfectly.. sure i’m coming back here for the checkups.. thanks Dr. Hussain 🌹 The place is very clean, they have the proper equipment.

  • S Y

    S Y


    There are so many dentists around the corners from our area but still my family choose to drive more than half an hour for a very simple procedure. I love the doctors and all staffs. They always take care of us as our family.

  • en

    Umay 8


    I couldn't be happier. First the place is really clean and modern. Second Both Dr. Maryam and Dr. Hessa were gentle, patient and very reassuring . Third the staff are fluent in English and Arabic . All in all if you need a great dentist and you're a bit nervous this is the place to choose

  • en

    Dana A


    I've been a patient of Dr Mariam's for years, and although I no longer live in Bahrain full time, I still make it a point to pop in for a quick check up every time I am in the country (I don't think there is a dentist in the world i would trust more than I trust her!). The clinic itself is very clean and all the equipment looks new, most of their facilities are in-house (e.g. X-rays) which makes it very convenient, and the staff is very knowledgeable and extremely friendly. Thank you Dr. Mariam!

  • en

    Sara AL


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