Delmon International Hotel i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainDelmon International Hotel


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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1722 4000
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Latitude: 26.23274, Longitude: 50.5722084

kommentar 5

  • Sarath Babu

    Sarath Babu


    Nice place... Rooms are old fashioned but, neat and clean. You have 3 bars and a dining area. It's located in nice place from hotel you have access to all markets and beach is also just 1.5 kms...

  • Deepak Babu

    Deepak Babu


    Now good looking, good lighting, well sittings arrangement.

  • Mukul Kothari

    Mukul Kothari


    Very good Gujarati Thali prepared by a Gujarati chef. They have increased prices recently but the ambience and food is very enjoyable.

  • en

    Inder Rathore


    Nice place different types of pub, Bar and music under one roof like Western, Arabic, Indian, and Pakistani . Freelancer hookers are plenty to pick and go to any hotel. Not a place for family people.

  • Waruna Wijesuriya

    Waruna Wijesuriya


    Diggers is a place to be if you like rock. The band is very interactive which makes it a feel like a super rocking house party. Guest can even go on stage, sing, play the metals or the drums while the band crew backs you up. The stewardesses are super friendly and professional. Be there and make it your own gig! Cheers!

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