Charcoal Grill Restaurant i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainCharcoal Grill Restaurant



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Road No 3905, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1772 9115
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Latitude: 26.2052389, Longitude: 50.5960382

kommentar 5

  • Mahmood ALBalooshi

    Mahmood ALBalooshi


    I like their food alot, good service and decemþ place

  • sarah jane Mcentee

    sarah jane Mcentee


    Love charcoal. The restaurant we visited is basic but the food is always consistent. The staff efficient and rhe prices are not too heavy on the pocket. Very tasty indian food. This company is ths same as Lanterns but i prefer charcoal grill umm al hassan to any other ot their outlets. Naff parking thou. Takeaway and home delivery available

  • Madhu Sudan

    Madhu Sudan


    All my stars on good food served, would have given 1 more star provided the staff would have not been judgemental on us.

  • Ve N

    Ve N


    A CUTE restaurant serving Chinese and Indian. Great budget restaurant with authentic flavours. Great for take away and delivery. A must visit because food is absolutely delicious!

  • Omer Sabir

    Omer Sabir


    Good value for money and their chicken chilly dry and chicken noodles are amazing. Try the Chinese combos great value and filling :)

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