Block 338 Restaurant i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBlock 338 Restaurant


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Road No 3831, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 0338
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2118959, Longitude: 50.5936933

kommentar 5

  • Jack Elliott

    Jack Elliott


    This place was one of my favourite places in Bahrain however they are now closed a year ago.

  • Ahmed Albalooshi

    Ahmed Albalooshi


    Cool place ..with perfect outdoor Wednesday band ... you can't believe it ;)

  • en

    Jaz B


    A nice place to chill out. This restaurant has indoor and outdoor facilities. In the cooler months here in Bahrain, this restaurant provides the perfect venue for outdoor food and drinks. The outdoor area is quite large with good green surroundings. There is an outdoor bar where waiters/waitresses serve you drinks quite quickly, so waiting time is less. This is a place i would highly recommend for food and drinks, venue, location and very adequate parking.

  • en

    Veronica Tetchner


    Been here twice and both times had excellent food and service

  • Adrian Arvizo

    Adrian Arvizo


    Everything was great except that they photocopied my ID! I asked for a discount, the waitress asked to see my ID, then she ran off with it. I asked the manager where my ID went and he said company policy is to photocopy IDs to get the discount.

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