Caribou Cafe i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainCaribou Cafe



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Shabab Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1736 9090
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Latitude: 26.2112597, Longitude: 50.6073042

kommentar 5

  • en

    Zeyad S. Alkwaifali


    Not professional service. Asked me to have a seat to bring my drink to the table. But unfortunately left me waiting and just kept my hot drink on the takeaway place. With no apologies. Many alternatives will provide better service for such respected customers.

  • Mantu Kalim

    Mantu Kalim


    This Cafe is best for night time. I always prefer this Cafe in juffair area. Very nice ambience especially outdoor sitting is super to sit from night till morning.

  • Anjum Razzaque

    Anjum Razzaque


    Coffee was bad and internet was a disaster. The AC was really cranked up. Staff were in ample numbers but no one bothered to assist when asked for anything (example location of socket, poor Internet, etc.). No wonder why my friends don't like going here.

  • Mahmood ALBalooshi

    Mahmood ALBalooshi


    great place to work on your laptop, study or read, quite most of the time with comfy sofas, coffee is great and it is easy to find a park except the weekends, they offer sandwiches as well and there is fudruckers restaurant and Marble slabs ice cream next door. setting outdoor is nice as well.

  • en

    Ali Malik


    One of the best Caribou coffee locations in Bahrain. Outdoor and indoor seating options. Upstairs area is quite and nice for students or working professionals to sit down and get things done. Only issue is parking.. avoid on weekends or early evenings as it is the busiest time.

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