Almoayyed Tower i Seef

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAlmoayyed Tower



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Building Number 2504, Road Number 2832، Seef 428, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1758 7070
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.235909, Longitude: 50.541789

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nicole Silva


    Not sure if I enjoy giving my CPR to the security everytime I visit. I like to have my CPR on me at all times.

  • Hussain Al-Sitrawi

    Hussain Al-Sitrawi


    One of the first high rise buildings in-factit was the highest in bahrain. Its little bit old and there is no proper maintenance for it unfortunately. Also its really difficult to find parking near there during working hours




    This is the first big and beautiful building in Bahrain with plenty of car parking near and have luxury facilities. I love Their queue based lift which help us to reach top quickly. They have advanced access control system in which every visitor have to take token before entering. The view from the top of the building is very nice as it give us the beauty of this small Iceland with border to sea all Side.

  • Carl Adams

    Carl Adams


    I work here and have a view to the Bahrain Bay. Everyday at around 16:00 I view the fishing boats go out to sea truly an amazing sight. Also for lunch I go down to Healthy Calories Restaurant. There is also a tailor and 3D Printing store located here.

  • jamaica urbina

    jamaica urbina


    One of the tallest building in Bahrain that I love to visit, but they don't allow tourist inside, but luckily I got a job interview in the building and got a chance to see it. I feel so lucky. Lol. Here's the view from 30th floor

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