Seef Mall Bahrain i Seef

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainSeef Mall Bahrain



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Bahrain، Seef, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 7791 1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2324714, Longitude: 50.5369542

kommentar 5

  • Hosny Mostafa M. Ahmed

    Hosny Mostafa M. Ahmed


    Nice mall with good variety of stores and restaurants. Very ideal for families and tend to get very busy during weekends due to visitors from neighboring countries. Has a very different atmosphere from other malls and very unique. Parking and access is very convenient. I personally prefer it over other malls.




    Seef Mall is known by everyone; including Arabs and Expats. It is a very good place to visit with or without children. Whether one wants to purchase something; or simply browse around and do "window shopping"; it is an ideal place to just "chill out or hang out" with friends or family.

  • en

    Kaylee Potuznik


    Great location to shop. Rina's is a Spanish label store, second floor. Great selection, nice sales person. Marks and Spencer is another great store. There are so many in this Mall. I really enjoy the ice on a stick place. My fav ice cream in the Mall. They have a great bakery too. Must visit Mall.

  • Ebrahim Adam

    Ebrahim Adam


    This mall is considered a tourist attraction as it is very large shopping mall with large parking space. Each end of the mall have a multi-story parking. It has 2 cinema complex at each end with 2 large food courts that offer a variety of cuisine for each taste. Kids are not forgotten here as a large play ground is available in the east side. Very well-known coffee shops can be found here too. Very large number of shops and outlets like Mark&Spencer and Zara are available too. If you are a traveler and looking for a SIM card then you can find one as the 3 major telecom companies in Bahrain as they have outlets in this mall. If you are looking for a wedding ring or a gift for you lover you might find one as Jewelry shops are available too. A number of airline companies has opened offices in this mall.

  • Madhu Sarda

    Madhu Sarda


    Nice shopping destination. In center of d city. Many branded shops and food court. Also good to watch cinema. Has a big food court with many other restaurants both indoor and outdoor. Ample parking spaces but gets crowded on weekends.

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