Al Wazzan Beauty Center i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAl Wazzan Beauty Center



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1724 0070
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Latitude: 26.220063, Longitude: 50.566801

kommentar 4

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    Marwa Zowayed


    Good staff, old place, good gym and not for quick services

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    Sam Zow


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    The Rosa


    I have been to many salons in Bahrain but Alwazzan salon has got to be the worst. They use the same nail kit for everyone without sanitizing it from one customer to the other.. All the other salons bring sanitized kit for each customer that has been disinfected ,cleaned and put in a bag. I don't recommend anyone to go but if you are desperate ask them to see the nail kit trust me you will change your mind and not get it done. I usually go to get my eyebrows done with Sheila but this time I had to do it with Yan I told her only to remove the hair in the middle and she actually made gaps in my eyebrows I took pictures and zoomed in to show her what she did she I told her I'm not happy she barely let me speak and she kept saying it's my eyebrows and not her I actually have pictures of my eyebrows before and after getting it done I talked to the lady who seemed to be in charge Bernadet and she did nothing she said we don't have a manager just the owner.. I told them if I'm not satisfied instead of blaming it on my eyebrows you could have said I'm sorry If you are not pleased with what Yan did we wouldn't want you to leave unsatisfied and suggest something I actually asked them to apologize three times! and when she did it didn't sound like she meant it at all. Very unprofessional employees. If you want bad service that's where you should go.

  • Wilzenmay Hugo

    Wilzenmay Hugo


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