Diva Beauty Salon & Spa Bahrain i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainDiva Beauty Salon & Spa Bahrain



🕗 åbningstider

Building 422, Road 3009, Abu Ghazal 330, Manama 330, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1727 2484
internet side: www.divabahrain.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.210652, Longitude: 50.571641

kommentar 5

  • en

    The Rosa


    The employees are really kind, place is also very clean and the service is good but the chair they provide the workers at the mani and pedi station is so bad they can't even sit properly on it. I have asked them if they talked to the owner about it and they did but she did nothing.

  • en

    Vinitha vk


    Brilliant services, really worth the money! Friendly and caring staff.

  • kj alsaher

    kj alsaher


    The best salon in bahrain most wonderful atmosphere kind and friendly stuff .. great make up artists .. the best mani and padicare love all their services they r professional

  • Amna Al Hawaj

    Amna Al Hawaj


    The best place in Bahrain for manicures. I got my eyebrows perfectly threaded and get a Brazilian blow out treatment with Jocy. I highly recommend Jody for Brazilian she's amazing.

  • en

    Bushra Ahmed


    Love coming to Diva. Very professional. Services are higher than the regular salons on the street. Very clean. Their blow drying is by far better than the other local salons I have been to.

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